Guest Posts on the Classical Guitar Blog
A Guest Post on a blog is when someone other than the blog’s primary author writes a post. Obviously guest posts don’t really happen on multi-author or large blogs like TechCrunch or Gawker, etc.
Can Anyone Write a Guest Post?
Yes. Well, sort of.
A guest post should be well written and present a good concept or something thoughtful. If you feel you have something that other guitarists should know, get in touch.
What Should I Write About?
Guest concert reviews are always welcome.
Otherwise, take a look around. There’s a lot of stuff on this site about guitar technique, practicing, and much more. If you’d like to write some sort of instruction article, feel free! Your content should be classical guitar focused.
How Does it Work?
First off, you should contact me before writing anything. I can tell you up front if I’m interested in your post.
Next write away! then send me a .doc or .txt file of the completed post. If you know HTML, formatting the post into an .html file is always appreciated. Just wrap any subheaders you might have in <h2>’s.
Do You Edit My Post?
Generally, no. I may change a few things, but nothing major. Pleas be sure you send an absolutely finished, proofread article.
I will most likely change your article’s title (headline). Good headlines are crucial for getting content read online, and if you take the time to write something for the CG Blog I want to make sure it does get read.
What Do I Get Out of It?
To get the most benefit out of a guest post, you should have a website. You’ll get a link to your website (with whatever anchor text you prefer) at the top of your post.
Still interested in writing a guest post? Get in touch!