Matt Hinsley’s Book “Creativity to Community” on Sale

Mathew Hinsley’s book Creativity to Community is on sale for 20% off from now until the end of January.

If you want a taste of the sort of thing you’re likely to read about in the book, check out this segment from the Classical Guitar Blog interview with Mathew Hinsley

In the video Matt gives some advice for arts organizations and talks about what’s inside Creativity to Community: Arts Nonprofit Success One Coffee at a Time.

Also, if you’re in the neighborhood, Dr. Hinsley is going to be leading the West Coast Guitar Societies Roundtable in Sacramento, CA. If you’re looking to get advice about growing your guitar society, this is the place to be. Matt is one smart guy, and took the Austin Classical Guitar Society from a $5,000 budget to $500,000/year budget.

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